It's been many years since this website was created and I have thought about how I wanted to update this. These last years have been filled with an unhealthy division in our country. It breaks my heart because the United States of America is a magnificent country. There has been so hurtful language, reactions and treatment of others. When I see this lack of love for others that is hurtful or intolerant, I know this comes from woundedness. It boggles my mind that we are not all seen as one human race, equal in all ways and loved and always by our creator . It breaks my heart that people with different skin color or religious beliefs or gender or who they choose to love is judged in any way as less than . We are all ONE in the eyes of God. All loved and accepted for just who we are.

The coronavirus has affected each and every one of us, one way or the other. It is a medical issue and not a political issue. I am so sad that many lives have been lost because this has been a political issue. In this Ken and I choose to wear our mask out of LOVE for others and ourselves, to be part of the solution to help all of us to heal.

The choice of Love is so simple.

We teach a lot about toxic shame, that feeling in the pit of your gut that says you are either better than or less than the person next to you. The feeling that drives our low self-esteem and low self-worth. We develop toxic shame through experiencing or witnessing abuse, abandonment, neglect, or enmeshment in our human development Physically, Emotionally, Spiritually, Intellectually or Sexually. Always, the results of toxic shame are the feeling of either Less Than or its extreme of feeling Superior. We have so much woundedness in our society, in the world. And the FEAR of being re-wounded is great. Love can always conquer fear if we allow it. We can help each other to heal, to Love.

We can choose Love.

I believe in God and I believe that God is pure unconditional love. And I believe that God’s love is more powerful than hate and fear. That God is more powerful than hate and fear. And, most importantly, that God is more powerful than any human. Toxic Shame keeps us judging, blaming or shaming ourselves, others and situations. Fear keeps us in survival. I choose not to live in survival or in fear or in toxic shame. Today I choose love over and over and over, again and again.

Love and Loving is so simple.

Ken and I continually send love to all and pray for the healing and loving of all who are wounded, including ourselves. We are all beautiful, messy, fallible humans.  Will you join us?

I Vote For Love encourages each and every person to be loving and mindful as your vote in our current elections and in all future elections. Keep remembering that we are all in this together, one human race, equal in all ways.

And, as in 2016, our Love Challenge is still available to each and every person who would like to join….How about you?

I Vote For Love Challenge:

So this is a challenge to all who want to join in.....a challenge to Love! Want to join? OK then, just begin to think loving thoughts, treat others with love, respect, kindness and compassion. Practice loving allowance for all. Vote with Love, Empathy, Compassion and Mindfulness. And, for those of you who would choose to also show your love financially, donate to your favorite charity or give a dollar, a meal or a pair of shoes to those less fortunate. Once you begin to practice conscious love and loving, you have joined the Love simple is go out and LOVE and ENJOY!

Mary and Ken